Homosexuals same sex madness "union".

The ELOHIM(God) Almighty defined marriage from the beginning Bereshit(Genesis) chapters 2 and 3. And the blessings Bereshit(Genesis) 1 vs 28 and forever is between a natural born man and natural born woman.

Definitely, there is never a union nor marriage of any kind between same sex, never. The ELOHIM(God) Almighty, the sole creator of the heavens and the earth created everlasting differences between the sexes. God created them male and female, Bereshit(Genesis) 1 vs 26.

The union of the sexes and the essence of marriage is to become fruitful and multiply. The first and eternal blessings for the human race. Bereshit(Genesis) 1 vs 27 to 28
Homosexuals rejected this very God, ordained blessings and falsely accused God of creating their madness.

Homosexuals by their very acts forever rejected every God giving blessings and dignity associated with being created in the image of God, male and female. And to celebrates the differences when they are joined together in a marriage.

The union of a male and female is marriage, God Himself established marriage, and it's requisition from the beginning of creation, Bereshit(Genesis) chapter 2, 3 and repeated throughout the Holy Bible. But homosexuals in their madness and indifference to The creator will, seek to change the order of life.

Every human-right is from God, the sole creator, homosexuals rejected God, but demanded God given right. Oh, homosexuals, none of you and your supporters will ever escape God burning wrath against homosexuals, outright madness and revolt against every human decency.

May ELOHIM answer all the righteous cry against this abomination and for the merits of Moshe(Moses), who wrote the Torah, word for word as dictated by Et -Ha ELOHIM.

And for the merits of all the Holy angels, who ministered before God, day and night since the beginning of creation until this very day. And for the merit of Your existence and Your Holy spirit, Adonay Eloheynu Haruchot Lechol-Basar execute judgment today by bringing immediate end to this unparalleled madness. And save, deliver and vindicate all the remaining righteous ones on earth,

Amen Amen Amen.