SHAVOUT........God set the everlasting required condition's for been Jewish.............Shemot(Exodus) 19 vs 1-8 it's never your mother, never.

When the people arrived at Mount Sinai, they were not Jews. Elohim, referred to them as" people" and set the everlasting conditions for been Jewish, obedience to His voice and walking in His ways.

God Almighty knew there were two sets of people at Mount Sinai; The house of Jacob see Bereshit 18 vs 19 (the house of Jacob here referred only to few men and women among the millions at Sinai, who will becomes Jewish. And the others, are rebellion children of Belial.

.Shavuot is the time Et ha Elohim validated forever the meaning of Judaism: obedience to His voice and .....

Judaism is not a religion.

Judaism is not a religion. It is the way of life for those who love Elohim and keep His commandments, Vayikra (Leviticus) 18 vs 5.

For these are the real Jew's who will seat with our forefathers Avraham, Yitzack and Yaacov, as their true seed's and no others.

None who claimed to be Jewish by mother, will ever see God, none. But will all spend eternity in hell, these blasphemed God name daily by calling themselves Jews without total obedience to the Torah of Elohim Harucot Lecol-basar. Devarim(Deuteronomy) 27 vs 26.

To be Jewish, means complete obedience to the Torah as was commanded by Moshe and certified by Et-ha Elohim, Himself, in Yehoshua (Joshua) 1:1-15.

Elohim, never testified for book's like Talmud, Zohar, Gemarah and the rest of your man written interpretations.

Et- ha Elohim, the only True God, established from the very beginning the criteria for been Jewish, absolute obedience to the Torah of Elohim.
Read carefully Bereshit (Genesis) 12 vs 1 through 4. Avraham did exactly as was commanded. And Isaiah chapter 51.

Shlomon (Solomon), introduced this "mother Jewish you are Jewish abomination".

Shlomon (Solomon) himself was a son of a Godless, wayward, abominable, untrustworthy, selfish, adulterous woman called Bashebah. An abominable woman to God, a woman who feared not God.

And was rejected as a wife in David's final days on earth, when King David servants sought for a virgin in Israel for David. They did not sought Bershebah, the adulterous woman. A sign that David, truly repented for his misdeed. Melajim I(1st King) Chapter 1. See details 1st Samuel Chapter 12 and the price David paid losing four sons during his time and himself fleeing for his life Chapter 13 through 19.

And for those of you who provoke God, daily with your "mother jewish syndrome. Did Elohim not condemned Shlomon and ripped the Kingdom out of his son, Rehoboam hand? Melajim I(1st King) Chapter 11...... Why? Because Solomon did not obey God commandments nor keep His charge.

Yirmiahu (Jeremiah), Chapters 7 and 8. Yejezkel(Ezekiel), especially chapters 5 through 13 and gain understanding for your soul sake.

Bereshit (Genesis) 26 again with Yitzack and why Hashem Blessed him not because Sarah was his mother, No. But because Avraham obeyed God. And Yitzack himself obeyed God see Genesis 26 vs 6.

Read and understand for the sake of the Torah itself Bereshit (Genesis) 26 vs 1- 6.

Then again Bereshit (Genesis) 28 vs 1-10, Yaacov, our father obedience to the Torah as was the key. Esau, did not hence he became Edom.

Obedience to the Torah as was written by Moshe is the forever only criteria for been Jewish male or female.

Again Elohim, Himself stated this requirement in Shemot (Exodus) 19 vs 1-6. how then can you changed the law of Elohim and make a woman your god? Iyov (Job) chapter 14.

Now with your definition(being born by a woman makes you a" peculiar people to Elohim") you now have;

1. Jew, who do not believe in God. How can you claimed to be a chosen witness to something you don't believe in? How ?

2.Homosexual .....who literally denied the existence and the orders set by God....Bereshit(Genesis) 5. Devarim(Deuteronomy) 4 vs 10 through 13. For those of you who accused the only true God for creating you as homosexual vs 13 confirmed you are a LIAR. You are falsely accusing the Almighty God. the verse stated explicitly the types of people God created.
May Elohim consume your soul today by sending fire from heaven publicly in His wrath to destroy each of you who lied against Him.

All homosexual and lesbian resulted from Bereshit (Genesis) 6 vs 5. And Bereshit (Genesis) 8 vs 21. Now Elohim Himself condemned you Bereshit (Genesis) 18 vs 20 and Almighty God, showed you your end in Bereshit (Genesis) 19.

Judgment against homosexual and Lesbian is set forever Genesis 19. Vayikra (Leviticus) 18 vs 22. Vayikra (Leviticus) 20 vs. 13

3. These (Birthright Jews) goes on national television saying they as elected leader "are comfortable" with lesbianism and homosexuality. How in the name of God? You justified what God Almighty condemned

May Elohim terminate their life suddenly and publicly by sending fire to consume them today, amen.

The very next day his supervisor announced on national television" that homosexuality and lesbianism should be legal".

Thou o Mr. You have lifted up thyself against the Lord of Heaven; and you have chosen to support and champion what God Almighty condemned and ruled as un pardonable Genesis 18 vs 20 leviticus 18 vs 22 and Leviticus 20 vs 13. And judged Genesis 19.

And you Mr. by your action joined yourself and your entire household with those that falsely accused the living and eternal God.

And praised the LIARS and justified their grave and un pardonable sin.

Therefore Mr. you will NEVER be forgiven because you have Judged The Almighty God to be false and His Torah irrelevant, in the world He Almighty God created and sustain daily. He created male and female Genesis 5. How can you justify a man having sex with a man? May Elohim repay you for supporting this abomination today with fire from heaven.

You Mr. Claimed time are changing but God Almighty said He never change Malachi Chapter 3 vs 6. Did American elected you to make this nation Sodomy and Gemarah?

And the Almighty God in whose hand thy breath is, and all thy ways, hast thou not glorified. Therefore Elohim, the creator of the heaven's and the earth is against you and against your entire household. And everything that is yours until you publicly reversed yourself and denounce homosexuality.

And withdrew your support from them before this election otherwise you will lose your entire household and your soul the same day. Your sins are read before Almighty God every seconds until His wrath flare up against you.

4.Birthright Jews, who seat and have lunch with their daughter on Shabbat at a restaurant in New York. See Number, chapter 15 vs 36 - 47 and Exodus 35 vs. 3

5.Birthright Jews who engaged in oral sex, may Elohim send fire from heaven to consume each and everyone like them; your mouth is for praising Elohim, not an alternative sexual organ. Did your mother became pregnant by having oral sex? May Almighty God eliminate you all who engage in this practices.

6.Billionaires business owners conducting shareholders meetings on Shabbat. May Elohim send fire down from heaven to consume him and his entire household. To shame him publicly and take him before his time, with all who supports him.

None of you will escape Elohim, public judgment and humiliation against this evil people this year, none. Amen, Amen and Amen.

May Elohim remember this evil doing against each and everyone who call themselves and people like themselves Jewish(peculiar people to Elohim) without complete obedience to the Torah of Elohim.

Understand this your mother does not make you Jewish. Only God Almighty does through complete obedience to His laws, statues, decrees and ordinances. Don't violate the second commandments by saying you are Jewish for your mother.

Look at the weekend statistics in Israel, drunkards, prostitutes and others like them calling themselves Jews.

Did Elohim not set the law straight for all who wants to be call Jews Vayikra (Leviticus) 18 vs 1 - 5 and continuing

For the true Jew's continue to serve Elohim, the only true God, according to all that Moshe commanded us.

Serve Elohim, daily according to all that Moshe commanded us and wait for Elohim.

None in heaven's or on earth knows when(date, time or hour) God, will return, none except God Himself.

May Elohim not forget all those who provokes him daily, blasphemer of His name by calling themselves and people like themselves Jews and obeys not Elohim, Torah.

Torah ha Iv rim.