Israel, exist today only for the merits of our forefathers....Avraham, Yitzack and Yaacov and for the Oath of ELOHIM, ADONAY Haruchot Lechol-basar to them. If not this nation Israel would have become like Babylon.

Why...we have rejected GOD (ELOHIM) and His Torah.
Today to be Jewish have nothing to do with ELOHIM .....If the woman who gave birth to you is Jewish, you are Jewish....Did ELOHIM ever say this ....who makes the woman Jewish, is it not the Torah?

Have we completely failed to remember our forefather Yitzack had two sons? Yaacov obeys the Torah Bereshit(Genesis) 28 vs 1-10 and Esau did not Genesis 26 vs 34....and Genesis 27 vs 46.
What about Dinah, she forever lost her place in Israel, she NEVER receive any blessing, None. Genesis 34

Today Isreali women can become pregnant by idol worshipers....and still blasphemed God name and say the ....bo...they gave birth to is Jewish.

They have forgotten why Abraham was called a Jew amd ELOHIM saying He is the GOD of the Jew. you live by the Torah Vayikra(Leviticus) 18

No woman who does not live by the Torah standards can ever be Jewish. Or can remain Jewish.

Did ELOHIM choose Yitzack for Sarah or for the righteousness of Abraham...read Bereshit(Genesis) 26 vs.4-26.

And Sarah was a righteous woman Bereshit(Genesis) 21 vs 7-13. ....vs 12. But God said to Abraham, Do not be troubled because of the boy and your slave. Do everything that Sarah tells you---Compared this to what Hashem said to Adam, concerning Eva.....Genesis 3 vs 17 To Adam Elohim said, you listened to your wife, and eat from the tree regarding which I specifically gave you orders, saying ¨´Do not eat from it¨´ The ground will therefore be caused because of you.
Hashem elevated Sarah above the first woman, Eva because of her obedience to the Torah and Hashem voice Genesis 17-

And in Isaiah 51 read und understand

Today homosexuals live in the land call Israel, with support of some leaders like themselves....Oh Elohim hear my prayer and judge as written in the Torah this Yom Kippur. All homosexuals, lesbians and all who supports them. That this world may know You Elohim is the True God, Lord of Avraham, Yitzack and Yaacov.

With the women, prostitution is the norms, boy friends, girlfriends? Vayikra(Leviticus) 18...
My prayer is that Elohim return this Yom Kippur and Finally Judge this world amen, amen, and amen.

This is why Isreal is in trouble we have abandoned God and His Torah.

Are you Jewish?