This coming Shabbath(Saturday) September 14, 2013 is


It is forbidden to work and complete 'fasting' is part of the requirement.

The ELOHIM Lord ALMIGTHY required by commandment to fast from 6 pm Sept. 13 till 6PM on September 14 ...

Complete fasting meaning no food, no water, no wine and all marital activities are prohibited.

☞ Read Vayikra(Leviticus) chapter 23 vs 23 to 44 .

This is not a " religious ceremony "

This is a commandment by The Great and Dreadful God, Et-Ha ELOHIM.
The sole creator of the heavens and the earth, who lives forever and ever, Hallelujah amen amen amen

All His Mitzvot(Commandments) are to those who loves ELOHIM(God) so each can walk in His ways.

If you think you can sin and ELOHIM(God) forgives , Think again !!

Remember The Great and Dreadful God, Elohim never sleeps .. Yeshayah(Isaiah) 40 vs 28-29, as it is written:
28 Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard, that the Elohei Olam, Hashem, Boreh Ketzot HaAretz (Creator of the ends of the earth), fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of His tevunah (understanding, intelligence). 29 He giveth ko'ach to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth power.

The Almighty ELOHIM rewards every man according to his ways, because only ELOHIM(God) knows the heart of man.

Yom Kippur