Homosexuality is a complete and total destruction to humanity.

Malachi, 3 vs 6

Genesis(Bereshit) 19 vs 24-25

24 Then Elohim, rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from Elohim, out of heaven; 25 And God overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

And so there it is homosexuals(Gays,Lesbians,Bisexuals,Tran s-genders and all who supports you, your destruction is total.

Anything and everything homosexuals touches or in contact with homosexuals is total and absolute destruction. The house they enters, the seat they sit on even the soil and the fruits of the ground are destroyed. Genesis 19.

Therefore not agreeing with homosexuals lifestyle, not supporting nor condoning their mental madness, is not racist.

And it is not intolerance nor lack of compassion... It is refusing to falsely accused The living and Eternal God. The Only true God who created the heavens and the earth and is no respecter of persons.

And forever established the order of life. Devarim(Deuteronomy)
10 vs 17.
" For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regarded not persons, nor taketh reward:"

Oh homosexuals and your supporters, you falsely accused the only TRUE God with your madness, accursed are each of your for ever and forever.

You blamed the living and eternal God for your madness instead of having your brain examined and purge for this madness. And your supporters who supports your madness Bereshit(Genesis) 6 vs 5, Bereshit(Genesis) 8 vs 21. Vayikra(Leviticus) 18 vs 22 , Vayikra(Leviticus) 20 vs 13. Your judgment is the same Bereshit(Genesis) 19.

You choose to support this madness in the name of compassion, intelligent, educated, enlightened and civil right. What does civil right have to do with people who rejected the order of life as ordained by the creator?

Homosexuals rejected God order and seek to re-create the world. Accursed are each of you homosexuals forever.

Stand against this homosexual madness wherever they are and stand with the Almighty God, commandments, Statutes, Decrees and Ordinances.

Don't try to look good before men and blasphemed God, for favor before men. Accursed are you all homosexuals forever.
Who is on the Lord side let him/her join the few righteous on earth today to decry this madness and save your own soul....Shemot(Exodus) 32 vs 26.

Remember and don't forget your life and your total existence depended on this. Do not join yourself with those who falsely accused the Living God for their madness. Shemot(Exodus) 4 vs 11, tells the type of people God created homosexuals is not on the list.

Homosexuality is a man-made mental madness unprecedented in nature.

Every homosexual and those who supports them or accepts, their madness from the beginning of creation until the end of this world are an abomination to ELOHIM (God) Almighty, and to each and every one who truly walk with the Torah(Bible) of ELOHIM.

Homosexuals seek to redefine the creation. Almighty ELOHIM created this world and ends it, ELOHIM established differences between the sexes.

Bereshit(Genesis) 1 to 5 explains the creation of the world and differences between the sexes. ELOHIM made them male and female. Not homosexual man or homosexual woman, as homosexuals would want people to believe. Just Adam and just Chavah(Eve).

Bereshit(Genesis) 6 vs 5 explains the magnitude of human madness saying... 5: And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Then Almighty ELOHIM who chose Avraham and made his ways known to him, warned and showed him the result of this Abominable insanity.

So that none of Abraham, Yitzack(Isaac) and Ya'akov(Jacob) TRUE descendants will ever practice nor associates themselves with this madness forever. Leviticus 18

{Bereshit(Genesis) 18...  Bereshit(Genesis) 18:vs 17 to 20...
And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do; 18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? 19 For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. 20 And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;

Sodom...was subsequently destroyed everything, including animals in S'dom (Sodom). Even the fruit of that land. Bereshit (Genesis) 19.

Do not get yourself confused about this abomination, homosexuality is not about being racist, intolerant or without compassion. Homosexuality is a complete and total destruction to the human soul and a complete disgraced to humanity because animals created lower than human do not practice this madness.

Vayikra(Leviticus) 18:22-23, 20:13.