For a start. those whom Hashem expelled from Israel Mordecai. Esther and the Daniel groups were those Et ha Elohim described as the good fruit..Jeremiah 24.
Now....Esther, was a virgin ( today less than 1% of women in Israel between the ages of 15-20). Is Bereshit 24 not enough to teach you all the criteria for been a Wife? If you are not a virgin where is your oneness...did you all forget Dinah, Jacob only daughter? Bereshit (Genesis) 34.
And now Mordecai, a Jew...who kept the commandments and will not "Have any other god before Elohim" hence Jeremiah 24 becomes a testimony to this facts.
Only Daniel, Mishael, Hananiah and Azahiel among thousands, refused the kings wine and all its delicacies. Preferring to serve Elohim and to do only what is right in His eyes. Daniel chapter 1.
Boy, had Daniel been like the 99.9% others who blasphemed God's name calling themselves and others like themselves Jews. But were and are in reality satan workshops. Who get drunk with wine every Shabbat saying they are blessing Elohim. What an abominable generation this is before God Almighty. Did Elohim not prohibite drinking of wine when you desire closeness to Him? Leviticus 10 vs. 9 and Zacharias chapter.7. Did this abominable generation realy belief they are blessing Elohim read Jeremiah chapters 7 and 8 to understand.
Therefore instead of sending gift why don't you ask the people to fast 3 days and 3 nights. Afterward send gifts to those who did.
Seek Hashem before, during and after fasting, seek Hashem as commanded by the Torah of Hashem and written by Moshe.
Teach moral standards as written in the Torah...don't prostitute your daughters. Leviticus 19 vs 29.
Read Leviticus, 18 especially vs 1 to 5 to your sons and your Synagogue...and fear Hashem...stop your all your abomination and serve Hashem.
Even Yitzack, the son of Abraham wasn't Jewish because of Sarah but Jewish because Abraham obeyed Hashem and Yitzack himself obeyed Hashem's commandments, statues , decrees, ordinances and His voice. Genesis 26 vs. 1 through 10 and understand.
This is why Yitzack became Jewish and his son Jacob, his son became Israel. Genesis 28 vs 1-10
Stop your evil doing saying "your are Jew because your mother is Jewish" how do you know your mother is Jewish?.Did your mother obeyed all the commandments, statutes, ordinances and decrees of Hashem as was commanded by God?
With your definition now even homosexual in Israel wear Kipper/ Yamaka and call themselves Jews. O Elohim remember the Suffering of Moshe, Your servant and judge today bring an end to this evil generation and vindicate the rigtheous.
May Elohim Haruchot Lechol-basar for the righteousness of Moshe and Eliyahu send fire down from heaven today to consume all the homosexual and their supporters wherever they may be.
And swift judgment upon the adulterer and all who blasphemy His name wherever they may be amen, amen and amen.
Remember this and never forget!
The only way to be a Jew is and will forever be complete obedience to the Torah laws as was given to us by Moshe.
Shemot/ Exodus 19 vs 4-6
Devarim/ 27 vs 26.Cursed is anyone who does not obey the Torah...How in the Name of Elohim you entrusted your place in Israel to a woman. And not to the obedience and observing of the Torah Laws....Leviticus 18 vs 1-5
And at the conclusion send gift to one another to celebrate.
To be referred as a Jew and not follow the commandments as was given to us by Moshe is blasphemy. Read Devarim(Deuteronomy 29 especially vs 13 to 29
Please return to Hashem now with all your heart with all your soul and with all your being.
By observing the Torah laws....stop the prostitution boy friends and girl friends in Israel ..Oral sex, pornography, birth control and all your abomination s Return to Elohim with your whole heart, soul and mind..May be remnant can be worthy to be save before God.
Et ha Elohim ani yare
Torah ha Ivrim.