Vayikra (Leviticus) 18...1-5..SEXUAL LAWS
1.Vayedaber Adonay el-Moshe lemor. 2. Daber el-beney Yisra´el ve´amarta alehem ani Adonay Eloheychem 3. kema´aseh erets-Mistrayim asher yeshavtem-bah lo ta´ asuuchema´ aseh erets-kena´ an asher animevi etchem shamah lo ta´asu uvechukoteyhem lo telechu. 4. Et-mishpatey ta´asu ve´et-chukotay tishmeru lalechet bahem ani Adonay Eloheychem. 5. Ushmartem et-chukotay ve´et-mishpatay asher ya´aseh otam ha´adam vachay bahem ani Adonay.
1. God spoke to Moses, telling him to. 2. Speak to the Israelites, and say to them: I AM GOD. Do not follow the ways of Egypt where you once lived, nor of Canaan, where I will be bringing you. Do not follow(ANY) of their customs. 4. Follow My laws and be careful to keep My decrees and laws, since (for) I AM YOUR LORD. 5. keep My Decrees and laws, since it is ONLY by keeping them that a person can (truly) live. I am God.
Hashem created man and elavated him above all animals.........only human did Adonay formed and breath into him to making him a living being..bereshit 2 pasuk 7
Bereshit 1 pasuk 26.-28 Vayomer Elohim na´asah adam betsalmenu Kidemutenu veyirdu bidegat haym uve´of hashamayim uvabehemah uvechol-ha´arets uvechol-haremes haromes al-ha´arets. 27. Vayivra Elohim et-ha´adam betsalmo betselem Elohim bara oto zachar unekeah bara otam. 28. Vayevarech otam Elohim vayomer lahem Elohim peru urevu umil´u et-ha´arets vechiveshuha uredu bidegat hayam uve´of hashamayim uvechol-chayah haromeset al-ha´arets.
God said, Let us make man with our image and likeness. Let him dominate the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock animals, and all the earth- and every land animal that walks the earth. God (thus) created man with His image. In the image of God, He created them. 28. God blessed them. God said to them Be fertile and become many. Fill the land and conquer it. Dominate the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every beast that walks the land.
Explanations and consequencies
When animals such as chicken, birds, rats, pigs and rats NEVER engage in oral sex; Why then does human being, created in the image of Elohim do such evil to provoke Elohim, Adonay to anger every day. ????. Becuase any human being who does not observe and guard all the commandments, decrees, testimonies and statutes of Hashem.....are animals like chicken, birds, pigs and rats. Human thinking is ALWAYS evil..Genesis Chapter 6 vs. 5 (Bereshit 6 pasuk 5..).God saw that man´s wickedness on earth was increasing. Every impulse of his innermost thought was ONLY for evil, all day long
Though human being were created with image and likeness of Elohim, but degraded itself to the level of animal and worse . Therefore as ELOHIM, whom I serve and in dread-of day and night lives....whosoever practice or engage in oral sex, a perverse act of dehumanising a person, will surely FACE THE FULL WRATH OF ELOHIM, in this world and absolutely in the world to come.
HELL FIRE IS HOME TO ALL WHO PROVOKE ELOHIM, FOREVER. Stop it and choose life today....observe the Laws of Torah of Hashem and Live..
Who are the architects of this evil perversion(oral sex) in this world......children whose mothers and fathers themselves are abominable to ELOHIM..the children whose fathers and mothers themselves are dogs, rats and so on....children with mutiple fathers....children whose mother's had multiple sexual partners in their lifetime. (Any woman with more than one sexual partner in her life time is profane..Leviticus 21 vs 13-16) profane men and women
....as it is written Bereshit (Genesis)36...see 24....Anah who introduced cross-breeding of animals.......read entire Bereshit (Genesis) 36 for better understanding...It is the children of these that does and participate in oral sex.
Jeremiah 13 vs 23
Your mouth is for praying to Hashem, not to destroy your soul....Tehilim (Psalm) 145
May my mouth declare the praises of Hasheem and may all flesh bless His Holy Name, we will bless Hashem from this time and forever amen.
Can a Cushite change his skin color or a Leopard its spots?? So too can you-in whom evil is
in grained -do good?
Your mouth is for praying to Hashem, not to destroy your soul....Tehilim (Psalm) 145
May my mouth declare the praises of Hasheem and may all flesh bless His Holy Name, we will bless Hashem from this time and forever amen.
SEXUAL PROHIBITIONS DETAILS....VAYIKRA (Leviticus) chapter 18 and 20....